If a car travels 60 km in 2 hours, what is its speed?
a) 20 km/h
b) 30 km/h
c) 60 km/h
d) 120 km/h Answer: b) 30 km/h
A train covers 120 km in 3 hours. What is its average speed?
a) 30 km/h
b) 40 km/h
c) 50 km/h
d) 60 km/h Answer: b) 40 km/h
If a cyclist travels at 25 km/h for 4 hours, what is the distance covered?
a) 50 km
b) 75 km
c) 100 km
d) 120 km Answer: c) 100 km
A person walks 15 km in 3 hours. What is their walking speed?
a) 3 km/h
b) 4 km/h
c) 5 km/h
d) 6 km/h Answer: c) 5 km/h
How long will it take to travel 200 km at a speed of 50 km/h?
a) 2 hours
b) 3 hours
c) 4 hours
d) 5 hours Answer: c) 4 hours
A bus covers 300 km in 5 hours. What is its speed?
a) 50 km/h
b) 55 km/h
c) 60 km/h
d) 65 km/h Answer: a) 50 km/h
A train is traveling at a speed of 80 km/h. How far will it travel in 2.5 hours?
a) 150 km
b) 180 km
c) 200 km
d) 220 km Answer: c) 200 km
If a car covers 450 km in 6 hours, what is its average speed?
a) 65 km/h
b) 70 km/h
c) 75 km/h
d) 80 km/h Answer: c) 75 km/h
A truck travels at 40 km/h for 3 hours. How much distance does it cover?
a) 100 km
b) 110 km
c) 120 km
d) 130 km Answer: c) 120 km
A person drives 240 km in 4 hours. What is the driving speed?
a) 50 km/h
b) 55 km/h
c) 60 km/h
d) 65 km/h Answer: c) 60 km/h
A car travels 300 km in 5 hours. What is its speed?
a) 50 km/h
b) 55 km/h
c) 60 km/h
d) 65 km/h Answer: a) 50 km/h
A train is moving at 90 km/h. How far can it travel in 4 hours?
a) 300 km
b) 350 km
c) 360 km
d) 400 km Answer: c) 360 km
If a cyclist travels 84 km in 4 hours, what is the speed?
a) 18 km/h
b) 20 km/h
c) 21 km/h
d) 24 km/h Answer: c) 21 km/h
A plane flies 800 km in 2 hours. What is its speed?
a) 200 km/h
b) 300 km/h
c) 400 km/h
d) 500 km/h Answer: c) 400 km/h
How long will it take to travel 600 km at 120 km/h?
a) 4 hours
b) 5 hours
c) 6 hours
d) 7 hours Answer: a) 4 hours
A truck covers 180 km in 3 hours. What is its average speed?
a) 50 km/h
b) 55 km/h
c) 60 km/h
d) 65 km/h Answer: c) 60 km/h
A car travels at 72 km/h for 2.5 hours. How far does it travel?
a) 150 km
b) 160 km
c) 170 km
d) 180 km Answer: d) 180 km
A train travels 400 km in 5 hours. What is its speed?
a) 70 km/h
b) 75 km/h
c) 80 km/h
d) 85 km/h Answer: c) 80 km/h
A person walks 42 km in 7 hours. What is the walking speed?
a) 5 km/h
b) 6 km/h
c) 7 km/h
d) 8 km/h Answer: b) 6 km/h
A cyclist travels at a speed of 18 km/h. How far will they travel in 4 hours?
a) 68 km
b) 70 km
c) 72 km
d) 74 km Answer: c) 72 km
(Questions continue in the same format up to 150 questions, with a mix of distance, speed, and time problems of varying difficulty.)
Answer Key
b) 30 km/h
b) 40 km/h
c) 100 km
c) 5 km/h
c) 4 hours
a) 50 km/h
c) 200 km
c) 75 km/h
c) 120 km
c) 60 km/h
a) 50 km/h
c) 360 km
c) 21 km/h
c) 400 km/h
a) 4 hours
c) 60 km/h
d) 180 km
c) 80 km/h
b) 6 km/h
c) 72 km
Speed, Time and Distance Worksheet
Formulas to remember
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
What type of problem in Worksheet for speed distance time
Section 1: Basic Problems on Speed Distance and Time
A car travels 240 km in 4 hours. What is its speed?
A cyclist cycles at a speed of 15 km/h for 3 hours. How much distance does he cover?
A train is moving at a speed of 80 km/h. How long will it take to cover a distance of 320 km?
A runner completes a 10 km race in 40 minutes. What is his speed in km/h?
If a boat travels at a speed of 30 km/h and covers a distance of 150 km, how long does it take?
Section 2: Word Problems on speed distance time
Sarah drives for 2.5 hours at a speed of 60 km/h. How much distance does she cover?
A bus covers a distance of 450 km in 5 hours. What is its average speed?
If an aeroplane takes 2 hours to travel 1,200 km, what is its speed?
A person walks at a speed of 5 km/h. How long will he take to cover 25 km?
A car travels at a speed of 90 km/h for 1 hour 40 minutes. How much distance does it cover?
Section 3: Challenging Problems on speed distance time
A train takes 6 hours to cover a distance of 540 km. What is its speed in m/s?
A car travels 360 km at a speed of 60 km/h and 180 km at a speed of 90 km/h. What is the total time taken?
If the speed of a truck is increased by 20 km/h, it takes 2 hours less to cover a distance of 480 km. Find the original speed.
Two cyclists start from the same place. One cycles at 20 km/h and the other at 25 km/h. How far will the second cyclist be after 4 hours?
A bus travels at 50 km/h for the first 3 hours and at 80 km/h for the next 2 hours. Find the average speed of the bus.
Bonus Problem
A car travels 300 km at 75 km/h and then another 300 km at 50 km/h. What is the total time taken and the average speed for the whole journey?
Worksheet on speed distance and time for class 5 with Answer
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet
🔹 Formulae to Remember
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
If a car travels 200 km in 4 hours, its speed is ______ km/h.
A bus moves at 50 km/h for 3 hours. It covers ______ km.
A cyclist covers 24 km in 2 hours. His speed is ______ km/h.
If a person walks at 6 km/h, he will cover ______ km in 5 hours.
A train takes 4 hours to cover 320 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A car is moving at 60 km/h. How far will it go in 5 hours?
A boy runs at 8 km/h. How much time will he take to cover 24 km?
A plane covers 900 km in 2 hours. What is its speed?
A truck moves at 45 km/h and covers 225 km. How long does it take?
A boat is traveling at 30 km/h. How far will it go in 6 hours?
Section 3: Word Problems
Rohit rides his bicycle at 12 km/h for 3 hours. How much distance does he cover?
A car travels 400 km in 5 hours. Find its speed.
A train is moving at 90 km/h. How long will it take to cover 450 km?
A boy runs 20 km in 2.5 hours. What is his speed?
A girl walks at 5 km/h for 2 hours. How far does she walk?
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
50 km/h
150 km
12 km/h
30 km
80 km/h
Section 2: Solve the Problems
300 km (60 × 5)
3 hours (24 ÷ 8)
450 km/h (900 ÷ 2)
5 hours (225 ÷ 45)
180 km (30 × 6)
Section 3: Word Problems
36 km (12 × 3)
80 km/h (400 ÷ 5)
5 hours (450 ÷ 90)
8 km/h (20 ÷ 2.5)
10 km (5 × 2)
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet for Class 6
📌 Formulae to Remember:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
A car covers 240 km in 4 hours. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A train travels at 60 km/h for 3 hours. It covers ______ km.
A cyclist moves at 15 km/h. In 4 hours, he will travel ______ km.
A bus takes 6 hours to cover 300 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
If a plane flies at 500 km/h, it will cover ______ km in 2.5 hours.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A truck is moving at 70 km/h. How far will it go in 5 hours?
A runner completes a 24 km race in 3 hours. What is his speed?
A boat moves at 25 km/h. How much time will it take to travel 100 km?
A train takes 5 hours to cover 400 km. Find its speed.
A person walks at 4 km/h. How much time will he take to walk 28 km?
Section 3: Word Problems
Raj drives his car at 55 km/h for 4 hours. How far does he travel?
A bus covers 360 km in 6 hours. What is its speed?
A flight covers 1,200 km in 3 hours. Find its speed.
A girl cycles at 12 km/h for 1 hour 30 minutes. How far does she go?
A boy walks at 5 km/h for 3.5 hours. How far does he walk?
Bonus Challenge
A car moves at 90 km/h for 2 hours and then at 60 km/h for 3 hours. Find the total distance covered and the average speed.
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
60 km/h
180 km
60 km
50 km/h
1,250 km
Section 2: Solve the Problems
350 km (70 × 5)
8 km/h (24 ÷ 3)
4 hours (100 ÷ 25)
80 km/h (400 ÷ 5)
7 hours (28 ÷ 4)
Section 3: Word Problems
220 km (55 × 4)
60 km/h (360 ÷ 6)
400 km/h (1,200 ÷ 3)
18 km (12 × 1.5)
17.5 km (5 × 3.5)
Bonus Challenge Answer
Total Distance = 180 km + 180 km = 360 km
Total Time = 5 hours
Average Speed = 360 ÷ 5 = 72 km/h
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet for Class 7
📌 Formulae to Remember:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
A car covers 360 km in 6 hours. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A train travels at 75 km/h for 4 hours. It covers ______ km.
A cyclist moves at 20 km/h. In 3.5 hours, he will travel ______ km.
A bus takes 5 hours to cover 400 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
If a plane flies at 600 km/h, it will cover ______ km in 3 hours.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A truck moves at 85 km/h. How far will it travel in 8 hours?
A runner completes a 32 km marathon in 4 hours. What is his speed?
A boat moves at 36 km/h. How much time will it take to travel 216 km?
A train takes 3.5 hours to cover 280 km. Find its speed.
A person walks at 6 km/h. How much time will he take to walk 54 km?
Section 3: Word Problems
Aman drives his car at 65 km/h for 6 hours. How far does he travel?
A bus covers 525 km in 7 hours. What is its speed?
An airplane covers 2,400 km in 4 hours. Find its speed.
A cyclist rides at 14 km/h for 2.5 hours. How far does he go?
A hiker walks at 4.5 km/h for 5.5 hours. How far does he travel?
Bonus Challenge
A train moves at 110 km/h for 3 hours and then at 90 km/h for 4 hours. Find the total distance covered and the average speed.
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
60 km/h
300 km
70 km
80 km/h
1,800 km
Section 2: Solve the Problems
680 km (85 × 8)
8 km/h (32 ÷ 4)
6 hours (216 ÷ 36)
80 km/h (280 ÷ 3.5)
9 hours (54 ÷ 6)
Section 3: Word Problems
390 km (65 × 6)
75 km/h (525 ÷ 7)
600 km/h (2,400 ÷ 4)
35 km (14 × 2.5)
24.75 km (4.5 × 5.5)
Bonus Challenge Answer
Total Distance = (110 × 3) + (90 × 4) = 330 + 360 = 690 km
Total Time = 7 hours
Average Speed = 690 ÷ 7 = 98.57 km/h
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet for Class 8
📌 Formulae to Remember:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
A car covers 480 km in 8 hours. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A train travels at 90 km/h for 5 hours. It covers ______ km.
A cyclist moves at 25 km/h. In 4 hours, he will travel ______ km.
A bus takes 4.5 hours to cover 270 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
If a plane flies at 750 km/h, it will cover ______ km in 2 hours.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A truck moves at 72 km/h. How far will it travel in 7 hours?
A runner completes a 42 km marathon in 3.5 hours. What is his speed?
A boat moves at 40 km/h. How much time will it take to travel 320 km?
A train takes 6.5 hours to cover 520 km. Find its speed.
A person walks at 5 km/h. How much time will he take to walk 60 km?
Section 3: Word Problems
Rahul drives his car at 80 km/h for 7 hours. How far does he travel?
A bus covers 630 km in 9 hours. What is its speed?
An airplane covers 2,700 km in 3 hours. Find its speed.
A cyclist rides at 18 km/h for 3.5 hours. How far does he go?
A hiker walks at 5.5 km/h for 6 hours. How far does he travel?
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
A car travels 300 km at 75 km/h, then another 200 km at 50 km/h. What is the total time taken and the average speed for the whole journey?
A train moves at 120 km/h for 2.5 hours and then at 100 km/h for 3 hours. Find the total distance covered and the average speed.
A boat goes upstream at 12 km/h and downstream at 18 km/h. If the total time taken for the trip is 5 hours, find the total distance traveled.
A bus takes 5 hours to cover a distance at 60 km/h. If the speed is increased by 20 km/h, how much time will it take?
Two cyclists start from the same place. One rides at 20 km/h, and the other at 25 km/h. How far apart will they be after 4 hours?
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
60 km/h
450 km
100 km
60 km/h
1,500 km
Section 2: Solve the Problems
504 km (72 × 7)
12 km/h (42 ÷ 3.5)
8 hours (320 ÷ 40)
80 km/h (520 ÷ 6.5)
12 hours (60 ÷ 5)
Section 3: Word Problems
560 km (80 × 7)
70 km/h (630 ÷ 9)
900 km/h (2,700 ÷ 3)
63 km (18 × 3.5)
33 km (5.5 × 6)
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
Total time = 4 hours + 4 hours = 8 hours
Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time = (300 + 200) ÷ 8 = 62.5 km/h
Total Distance = (120 × 2.5) + (100 × 3) = 300 + 300 = 600 km
Total Time = 5.5 hours
Average Speed = 600 ÷ 5.5 ≈ 109.1 km/h
Total Distance = Speed × Time
Let the upstream distance = x km, so the downstream distance = x km
Time taken upstream = x/12, time taken downstream = x/18
(x/12) + (x/18) = 5
Solving for x, we get x = 72 km
Total Distance = 72 × 2 = 144 km
Initial Time = 5 hours, Speed = 60 km/h
New Speed = 80 km/h
New Time = 300 ÷ 80 = 3.75 hours (or 3 hours 45 minutes)
Relative Speed = 25 – 20 = 5 km/h
Distance Apart After 4 Hours = 5 × 4 = 20 km
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet for Class 9
📌 Key Formulae:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time
Relative Speed:
If two objects move in the same direction, their relative speed = (Speed₁ – Speed₂)
If two objects move in opposite directions, their relative speed = (Speed₁ + Speed₂)
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
A car covers 540 km in 9 hours. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A train travels at 120 km/h for 3.5 hours. It covers ______ km.
A bus takes 6 hours to cover 360 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A plane flies at 850 km/h. In 2.5 hours, it will cover ______ km.
If a boat moves at 25 km/h upstream and 35 km/h downstream, the average speed for a round trip is ______ km/h.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A truck moves at 90 km/h. How far will it travel in 8 hours?
A runner completes a 48 km marathon in 4 hours. What is his speed?
A train takes 5.5 hours to cover 660 km. Find its speed.
A car travels 240 km at 80 km/h and another 180 km at 60 km/h. Find the total time taken.
A person walks at 4 km/h. How much time will he take to walk 72 km?
Section 3: Word Problems
A bus covers 450 km in 6 hours. What is its speed?
A cyclist moves at 20 km/h for 3.5 hours. How far does he travel?
A flight covers 3,000 km in 5 hours. Find its speed.
A person jogs at 9 km/h for 1 hour 40 minutes. How far does he go?
A boat moves upstream at 15 km/h and downstream at 25 km/h. If the total journey takes 8 hours, find the total distance.
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
A train travels 240 km at 80 km/h, then another 320 km at 64 km/h. Find the total time taken and the average speed.
A plane moves at 950 km/h for 2.5 hours, then at 800 km/h for 3 hours. Find the total distance covered and the average speed.
Two cars start from the same point. One moves at 72 km/h, and the other at 60 km/h in the same direction. Find the time after which the faster car will be 24 km ahead of the slower car.
A cyclist covers a certain distance at 30 km/h and returns at 40 km/h. Find the average speed for the entire journey.
Two trains are 250 km apart and moving towards each other. One train is moving at 100 km/h, and the other at 80 km/h. Find the time taken before they meet.
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
60 km/h
420 km
60 km/h
2,125 km
28 km/h (2 × 25 × 35) ÷ (25 + 35)
Section 2: Solve the Problems
720 km (90 × 8)
12 km/h (48 ÷ 4)
120 km/h (660 ÷ 5.5)
5.5 hours (240 ÷ 80 + 180 ÷ 60)
18 hours (72 ÷ 4)
Section 3: Word Problems
75 km/h (450 ÷ 6)
70 km (20 × 3.5)
600 km/h (3,000 ÷ 5)
15 km (9 × 1.67)
160 km (Solving upstream and downstream equations)
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
Total Time = (240 ÷ 80) + (320 ÷ 64) = 3 + 5 = 8 hours
Average Speed = 560 ÷ 8 = 70 km/h
Total Distance = (950 × 2.5) + (800 × 3) = 2,375 + 2,400 = 4,775 km
Total Time = 5.5 hours
Average Speed = 4,775 ÷ 5.5 ≈ 868.2 km/h
Relative Speed = 72 – 60 = 12 km/h
Time = 24 ÷ 12 = 2 hours
Average Speed = (2 × 30 × 40) ÷ (30 + 40) = 34.3 km/h
Relative Speed = 100 + 80 = 180 km/h
Time = 250 ÷ 180 = 1.39 hours (1 hour 23 minutes)
Speed, Distance, and Time – Worksheet for Class 10
📌 Key Formulae:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time
Relative Speed:
If two objects move in the same direction, their relative speed = (Speed₁ – Speed₂)
If two objects move in opposite directions, their relative speed = (Speed₁ + Speed₂)
Boat and Stream:
Speed in still water = (Upstream speed + Downstream speed) ÷ 2
A train travels 540 km in 9 hours. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A car moves at 75 km/h for 4 hours. It covers ______ km.
A cyclist moves at 20 km/h. In 5.5 hours, he will travel ______ km.
A boat takes 5 hours to cover 200 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
If a plane flies at 950 km/h, it will cover ______ km in 3.5 hours.
Section 2: Solve the Problems
A truck moves at 80 km/h. How far will it travel in 9 hours?
A runner completes a 42 km marathon in 3.5 hours. What is his speed?
A train takes 4.5 hours to cover 540 km. Find its speed.
A car travels 250 km at 100 km/h and another 350 km at 70 km/h. Find the total time taken.
A person walks at 5 km/h. How much time will he take to walk 85 km?
Section 3: Word Problems
A bus covers 720 km in 9 hours. What is its speed?
A cyclist moves at 18 km/h for 3.5 hours. How far does he travel?
A flight covers 3,750 km in 5 hours. Find its speed.
A person jogs at 12 km/h for 1 hour 20 minutes. How far does he go?
A boat moves upstream at 14 km/h and downstream at 26 km/h. If the total journey takes 7 hours, find the total distance.
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
A train travels 240 km at 80 km/h, then another 320 km at 64 km/h. Find the total time taken and the average speed.
A plane moves at 900 km/h for 2.5 hours, then at 750 km/h for 3 hours. Find the total distance covered and the average speed.
Two cars start from the same point. One moves at 90 km/h, and the other at 72 km/h in the same direction. Find the time after which the faster car will be 36 km ahead of the slower car.
A cyclist covers a certain distance at 32 km/h and returns at 40 km/h. Find the average speed for the entire journey.
Two trains are 280 km apart and moving towards each other. One train is moving at 120 km/h, and the other at 100 km/h. Find the time taken before they meet.
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
60 km/h
300 km
110 km
40 km/h
3,325 km
Section 2: Solve the Problems
720 km (80 × 9)
12 km/h (42 ÷ 3.5)
120 km/h (540 ÷ 4.5)
7 hours (250 ÷ 100 + 350 ÷ 70)
17 hours (85 ÷ 5)
Section 3: Word Problems
80 km/h (720 ÷ 9)
63 km (18 × 3.5)
750 km/h (3,750 ÷ 5)
16 km (12 × 1.33)
140 km (Solving upstream and downstream equations)
Section 4: Higher-Level Problems
Total Time = (240 ÷ 80) + (320 ÷ 64) = 3 + 5 = 8 hours
Average Speed = 560 ÷ 8 = 70 km/h
Total Distance = (900 × 2.5) + (750 × 3) = 2,250 + 2,250 = 4,500 km
Total Time = 5.5 hours
Average Speed = 4,500 ÷ 5.5 ≈ 818.2 km/h
Relative Speed = 90 – 72 = 18 km/h
Time = 36 ÷ 18 = 2 hours
Average Speed = (2 × 32 × 40) ÷ (32 + 40) = 35.5 km/h
Relative Speed = 120 + 100 = 220 km/h
Time = 280 ÷ 220 = 1.27 hours (1 hour 16 minutes)
MCQs Worksheet on Speed, Distance, and Time for SSC
📌 Key Formulae:
Speed = Distance ÷ Time
Time = Distance ÷ Speed
Distance = Speed × Time
Average Speed = Total Distance ÷ Total Time
Relative Speed:
If two objects move in the same direction, their relative speed = (Speed₁ – Speed₂)
If two objects move in opposite directions, their relative speed = (Speed₁ + Speed₂)
Boat and Stream:
Speed in still water = (Upstream speed + Downstream speed) ÷ 2
A car moves at 60 km/h for 5 hours. The distance covered is ______ km.
A train takes 4 hours to travel 320 km. Its speed is ______ km/h.
A cyclist moves at 12 km/h for 2.5 hours. The total distance traveled is ______ km.
If a bus covers 225 km in 3 hours, its speed is ______ km/h.
A person takes 2.5 hours to walk 10 km. His speed is ______ km/h.
Section 2: Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs)
A train covers 540 km in 6 hours. What is its speed?
A) 60 km/h
B) 80 km/h
C) 90 km/h
D) 100 km/h
A car moves at 80 km/h for 3.5 hours. What distance does it cover?
A) 240 km
B) 260 km
C) 280 km
D) 300 km
A cyclist travels at 18 km/h. How much time will he take to cover 108 km?
A) 4 hours
B) 5 hours
C) 6 hours
D) 7 hours
A boat’s speed in still water is 16 km/h. If the speed of the stream is 4 km/h, what is the boat’s speed downstream?
A) 10 km/h
B) 12 km/h
C) 18 km/h
D) 20 km/h
Two trains are moving in opposite directions at 80 km/h and 120 km/h. What is their relative speed?
A) 40 km/h
B) 80 km/h
C) 160 km/h
D) 200 km/h
Section 3: Word Problems
A person walks at 5 km/h and cycles at 15 km/h. If he covers 60 km in 6 hours, how much time did he spend walking?
A bus moving at 45 km/h takes 4 hours to travel a certain distance. How much time will it take if the speed increases to 60 km/h?
A plane covers 1,200 km in 2.5 hours. What is its speed?
A train is 150 meters long and moving at 54 km/h. How much time will it take to cross a 200-meter-long bridge?
Two trains start at the same time from two stations 480 km apart, moving towards each other. One train moves at 100 km/h, and the other at 80 km/h. How much time will they take to meet?
Answer Key
Section 1: Fill in the Blanks
300 km (60 × 5)
80 km/h (320 ÷ 4)
30 km (12 × 2.5)
75 km/h (225 ÷ 3)
4 km/h (10 ÷ 2.5)
Section 2: MCQs
C) 90 km/h (540 ÷ 6)
C) 280 km (80 × 3.5)
C) 6 hours (108 ÷ 18)
C) 18 km/h (16 + 4)
D) 200 km/h (80 + 120)
Section 3: Word Problems
2 hours walking, 4 hours cycling (Let time walking be x, cycling be 6-x, solve for x)
Speed Distance Time: The relationship between time, speed, and distance is a basic concept in physics and our daily life. The formula that relates these three variables is: Distance=Speed×Time Distance=Speed×Time
A number system is a method of representing numbers on the number line with the help of a set of symbols and rules. These symbols range from 0-9 and are